Monday, March 20, 2017

R.I.P. David Rockefeller (1915 - 2017)

After 2016's 'carousel of celebrity passings,' the 'first quarter' of 2017 was relatively quiet.  There was a brief period of time at the beginning of the year when James almost had Tomb Bowl XIV locked up with George H.W. & Barbara Bush hospitalized at the same time.  However,  they looked quite healthy on the field for the Super Bowl LI coin toss in his home town of Houston, TX.

Today, however, Tomb Bowl XIV had its first action on the board as banker, philanthropist, and Rockefeller empire heir David Rockefeller died at the roubst age of 101.

John now takes a 1 - 0 lead.

To read more on the life and legacy of David Rockefeller, read his obituary in the New York Times.

May he rest in peace.